Thursday, 15 September 2016

HA1 - Task 1 Mark-Making Portfolio

HA1 Task 1 - Mark-making Portfolio


Exercise Number 1 - Direct Observation Portraits in Pairs

1. Full Face
Paper: Portrait
Media: Biro
Time: 4 minutes
Left-handed (or right, if left-handed)
Top of head/hair must touch the top edge of the paper, the chin the bottom and the ears each side. Draw loosely and freely adding as much detail as possible.

2. Smile
Paper: Landscape
Media: Biro
Time: 4 minutes
Usual drawing hand
Smiling mouth to stretch from left to right-hand side of paper. The rest of the features to fill within the page.

3. Don't Stop
Paper: portrait
Media: coloured marker pen – any colour
Time: 5 minutes
Usual drawing hand
Draw a full face portrait that fills the page, but you may not take the pen off the paper at any point.

4. Blind-folded
Paper: Portrait
Media: Coloured marker pen – any colour
Usual drawing hand
Stare at your subject intently and draw a full face portrait. Do not look at the paper until the time is up.

Exercise Number 2 - Secondary Observation (Selfie) Self-portraits

Take a range of selfies, exploring the expressions below. Choose 6 and take approximately 15 minutes for each one.

Expressions: Happy, Excited, Gloomy, Angry, Confused, Serious

Exercise Number 3 - Manga Facial Expressions 

Using the following YouTube Tutorial I have drawn 2 facial expressions using a Manga drawing style. 

Facial expressions: Joy, Expressions. 

Exercise Number 4 - Gridded and Scaled Parkour Drawing

In this exercise we used a image that shows a Character from a Parkour as a reference, using the gridding technique I transferred the small A4 reference into a larger image in an A2.

Exercise Number 5 - Template Mythical Creature Drawing

Using secondary template create a coloured freehand mythical creatures made up of the following elements: 

Head of a peacock 

Wings of a bat 

Torso of a Man 

Crab Claws 

Legs of a Cheetah 

Feet of an Eagle 

Exercise Number 6 - Expressive Hands Drawing

Using primary observation do the following drawing of your Non-drawing hand: 





Exercise Number 7 - Figure Movement Sequence Drawing

Using secondary observation I have done the following activity. 

The DSLR camera will be set on multi-shot mode and will capture the movements of myself using the props provided. 

After selecting the pictures trace over them. 

Exercise Number 8 - Silhouette Figures Drawing

Using a series of dark felt pens, produce a series of figure drawing observed from life that study the pose of the model. 

The negative space around the figure is the only thing that has to be drawn, (Not an outline), leaving a silhouette. 


Exercise Number 1 - Isometric, One, Two and Three Point Perspective Introduction

Introduction of perspective. 






Exercise Number 2 - 2-point Perspective Background - Spacestation Video

Using the YouTube tutorial create your own Spacestation using 2-Point Perspective 

Exercise Number 3 - Crating Exercises 

Using the supplied templates use a crating technique to build a variety of 3D shapes: 

Sphere, Pyramid, Cylinder, Cone, Torus 


Exercise Number 4 - Crating Application 

Using supplies images and a physical pistol as a starting point employ a 2-point perspective crating technique to create your own design of weapon.

Instead of  a pistol I have designed a Katana for the Crating application. 


Exercise 1 - Colour Introduction 

1. Colour Wheel 

Using primary coloured pencils and a cross-hatching technique, complete the colour wheel template. Then idea is to mix the secondary and tertiary colours by overlapping/blending the primary colours. 

2. Colour Schemes 

Using a full range of coloured markers, decide upon an analogous, complementary and triadic colour scheme and complete the supplied templates. 

Ideas Generation 

Exercise 1 - Alternative uses for cloth pegs 

Visual Communication 

Exercise number 1 - How to guide 

Create a guide that explains an activity using only images and symbols – NO WORDS. You will need to use the internet to research your chosen activity, both the process and visual aids. Use an A3 sheet to layout your sequence of images. Plan and sketch out your sequence in pencil and then outline it using a biro or fineliner (and coloured pencils or pens if you wish).


Exercise Number 1 - Paper Tonal Studies

Using the supplied rolls of paper create still life environments and produce a series of four, close-up tonal observational studies of paper constructions using pencil in response to the following themes: Tied, Twisted, Folded, Curled.


Exercise Number 1 - Willow Charcoal, Soft and Oil Pastels 

You are going to draw a series of 9 textures (closely observed abstracted sections of surfaces) from around the college site, three using soft pastels, three using oil pastels and three using willow charcoal. Fold 1 A3 sheet of cartridge paper into 9 to use as your canvas.

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