Thursday 22 September 2016

HA3 - Task 5 Evaluation

First of all, my research was focused mostly in Pirates of the Caribbean, this made me slightly biased in within that style.

The research in general went really good, I had a wide range of examples,  from realistic examples (Jack Sparrow - Johnny Depp), Anime (Smoker - One Piece) and different 3D Animation examples.

Exploration stage was okay overall,  had different types of style which included a variety of props and character options. I really liked the character exploration stage as I created 2 possible options.

One thing I really did not enjoy and I do not like was my exploration for environment. I am not saying it was bad, but it could have been better. They were okay but maybe too simple even though it was exploration.

The flintlock pistol, cutlass and the card design that I created could have been better but I am really happy with the design and how they ended. They could have been better in some ways, the cutlass could look more realistic by adding a it of shading.

For Promotion stage, overall, the character was appealing and well designed, face features could have been better, body features are okay and in my opinion the clothing is pretty well designed.

The final environment was created by thinking in a castle and how the dungeon would look from outside. I am really happy with that design and I do think there is nothing that I can add, maybe colour but it is well designed in my opinion.

Overall, I think the work is pretty good but in some ways it could have been better developed and created. Colour, shading or other small details could add a better feeling and a better ending to the drawings.

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